

About my family

I have parents and a brother who is 6 years older than me. My father is rather taciturn and very kind. He is a sound engineer for the stage. I am still grateful to him for the words of encouragement he gave me to get back on my feet when my first rabbit died. My mother is good at cooking and origami. She is good with her hands. She works as a cook in a retirement home and always makes delicious meals at home. My mother does most of the housework. I only help her a little. When I started working and asked her that I want to pay for my house, she adamantly refused. So, I eat her food every day for free and she even does the housework. Thus, both of my parents are kind to me, and while I feel very blessed, it is also true that I feel it is...


Self introduction and background of Vtuber “Moccho”, a former doujin(private) porn actress

self-introduction Nice to meet you, I’m Moccho, a Vtuber.   basic specification My name is Moccho. It is a nickname given to me by a high school senior because of my “mocho mocho” cheeks. It’s cute and I like it myself. Born on August 19, 1997. Remember it as the day of haiku. 26 years old, female. Born in Aichi and still living in Aichi. Blood type is O. MBTI is INTP-T. Current Activities Vtuber activity, mainly posting videos where I talk about my experiences and thoughts. I am also a blogger, designer, music and video creator. Height and weight 160cm, 69kg. on a rave diet to reach BMI standard weight, 56kg. I post my weight on X every day, so please support me if you like. Things I like to do Sleeping, making something, alone time, reading, watching Youtube, anime, movies, learning English Favorite creatures Animals in general, especially rabbits and cats, sea...