

About my family

I have parents and a brother who is 6 years older than me. My father is rather taciturn and very kind. He is a sound engineer for the stage. I am still grateful to him for the words of encouragement he gave me to get back on my feet when my first rabbit died. My mother is good at cooking and origami. She is good with her hands. She works as a cook in a retirement home and always makes delicious meals at home. My mother does most of the housework. I only help her a little. When I started working and asked her that I want to pay for my house, she adamantly refused. So, I eat her food every day for free and she even does the housework. Thus, both of my parents are kind to me, and while I feel very blessed, it is also true that I feel it is...


Report on meeting someone I met on a matching app with the intention of losing my virginity (2)

The day after I met with the last person, I met with another person, this time Mr. Y. As a result, we had sex for the first time. Click here to read the previous article. Before we met. 32 years old. He is a bit distant. He is someone who is hard to love, just like me. He has more than 100 experiences. He looked cute in his picture, but when he showed me an unprocessed photo, he looked more mature and shapely. He has beautiful and erotic fingers and short fingernails. He seems to work in the car business. When I told him I met Mr. T first, he was quite competitive. The impression I had. Like the guy from yesterday, he drove to pick me up near my house. He has a super soothing voice. He has a very nice way of speaking. He is also good looking. He had a friendlier...


Report on meeting someone I met on a matching app with the intention of losing my virginity (1)

I met T-san, whom I met on a matching app. At the time I had some experience with lesbian sex but no experience with men, and was nervous and a little excited about the unknown until we met. Before we met A little distant person. 27 years old. Dom & S. After talking about wanting to restrain women and attack them until they cry, he is like rollercoasters into telling me that he is an anal masturbator and that I should train him. He has everything from a piston machine to a chastity belt, which I didn’t expect. I send him a list of my sexual proclivities and he responds so well that we decide to meet since he was quite sexually active. She said she had about 30 experiences. I told her to use contraception! he said, “Do you want to take it outside? Condom?” . I was horrified to think that there...


Confession of guilt about my first rabbit

I got my first rabbit when I was in the 6th grade, or 12 years old, at the end of December. The reason was simple: I loved animals very much and wanted to have one someday. My parents allowed me to keep it on the promise that rabbits do not meow like dogs, cats, etc., and if I would take care of it. I immediately went to a pet store and bought my father and a male gray Netherland Dwarf. I loved him. He was so young, with a tiny body, fluffy fur, and big eyes. I still remember the car ride home when we bought him, with the little rabbit in his box in my lap, excitedly thinking of his name. My mother objected to the name I came up with, and his name ended up being “Haru,” which she came up with. I decided to keep Haru in my living room. I...


The worst story I’ve ever heard about being raped when I was tied up by a professional bondage artist

Hello, my name is Moccho! I had a bondage experience at the beginning of April this year (2023). As a result, I would like to leave a sad record that it was not for me and as the title says, I was treated in the worst way. I hope I can prevent someone else from going through the same thing. What made me decide to ask for a bondage request? At the time, I had two sex friends, but I had a problem that I just couldn’t come during the act, or rather, I couldn’t concentrate on it and couldn’t grasp the pleasure.In the process of searching for a remedy, I became very interested in a certain person. He was a very famous binders whom I had been following for a while.The method he advocated was a “body-only approach.” Simply put, even if you are not in an erotic mood, you can feel good...


How to become a free 3DVtuber who can also move your hands on a Mac [2023 Edition]

Conclusion Create a character in Vroid studio ↓↓. Tracking face and hands with AvaKit (or Webcam Motion Capture for a fee) I settled on the following. If you don’t need to move hands, I recommend using 3tene for face tracking.   Equipment used for testing Final equipment used Mac mini (2023) M2 Pro Web camera Microphone   Things that I tried but could not use Oculus quest2 Leap Motion   Other methods that might be possible (failed in my environment) Using Parallel desktop to plug in Windows and install Oculus Link PCVR cannot be used in a Mac environment, so this is a method of plugging in Windows. It worked until I used Parallel desktop to install Windows, but I couldn’t install the Oculus Link software on the PC side. (During the installation process, the message “Restart computer” appeared and stopped.) What I tried Install directly under C drive Turn off firewall   Mirroring...


Choosing to go out without sex

My current boyfriend and I have never had sex. We have no intention of having it in the future at this time.   How did I get into this relationship? I am someone who does not need sex with my partner. I still can’t really explain why I don’t need it, but it feels like “I don’t want to, so I just don’t.” Just like parents and children and siblings don’t have sex, I think the easier feeling to understand is that I don’t want to have sex with another important person like a family member. I have asexual-leaning sexuality, but I forced myself to have sex with my ex. At the time, I could not understand the difference between loving sex and having sex with sex friends as an act of lust. Sex as an expression of love was incomprehensible to me. Once I had sex, I began to feel as if all...


Report on a virgin’s visit to a “lesbian sex club” from Aichi to Osaka

I’m sorry, but I’m going to be very specific, so if you don’t want to read this, please skip to the part you don’t want to read! If you want to see it in video, watch this.     My background 24 years old female. Lived at home in Aichi. She has never been in a relationship, so much so that she suspects she may be asexual. However, she misses human skin and often hugs her mother.   How it all started I read Kabi Nagata’s “I was so rusty that I went to a lesbian sex club. I had always been asexual, but I wanted to solve my long-standing question, “If were a lesbian? Also, I simply wanted to fill the long-standing loneliness in the back of my mind, like missing human skin, by being cuddled by someone. I looked at the website of the Osaka store Nagata-san went to, and it looked...


Self introduction and background of Vtuber “Moccho”, a former doujin(private) porn actress

self-introduction Nice to meet you, I’m Moccho, a Vtuber.   basic specification My name is Moccho. It is a nickname given to me by a high school senior because of my “mocho mocho” cheeks. It’s cute and I like it myself. Born on August 19, 1997. Remember it as the day of haiku. 26 years old, female. Born in Aichi and still living in Aichi. Blood type is O. MBTI is INTP-T. Current Activities Vtuber activity, mainly posting videos where I talk about my experiences and thoughts. I am also a blogger, designer, music and video creator. Height and weight 160cm, 69kg. on a rave diet to reach BMI standard weight, 56kg. I post my weight on X every day, so please support me if you like. Things I like to do Sleeping, making something, alone time, reading, watching Youtube, anime, movies, learning English Favorite creatures Animals in general, especially rabbits and cats, sea...